Pete’s Technology, Search & Patent Blog

These articles are intended to reflect the knowledge, experience and wisdom I have gained as an independent inventor who has searched the internet for technology and legal information for the last 25 years. I am the sole inventor of seven US patents, many filed before the web browser was invented. I write from the perspective of an inventor and businessman who was a plaintiff in seven US Patent litigations from 2004 to 2014, As a result, I have licensed my technology to 18 US Telecommunications manufacturers.

I am not a lawyer and these blogs do not give legal advice. These articles do offer my personal perspective on various technology, patent and legal search issues.

  • Results of AUTM 2016 Survey

    Rate the importance of the following items in defining a quality disclosure. Please rank them 1 to 5 – with 1 being not important and 5 being very important. A well-written idea description 1               5% 2               0% 3               0% 4               36% 5               59% Drawings and diagrams that are explained by the idea description 1 []

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  • How to Refine Your Initial Patent Description

    In a previous blog entry, I offered some suggestions on writing your initial patent description. I offered five initial questions to answer as part of that description. I also offered encouragement to not be overly concerned about the exact language in the initial description as it is designed to simply get your search efforts jump-started. []

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  • How to Easily Write Your Initial Patent Description

    The Search Real Fast booklet, “The First 7 Critical Steps in the Patent Process”,  suggests that your first step should be to create a written description of your idea.  This description can be as simple as a fairly detailed outline of your invention.  It does not need to be a full English prose detailed description… []

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